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There is limited space in my challenge groups, so be sure to contact me for a spot to get started on your journey to a healthy you!

So I know you're asking yourself, what's in it for me.  Here's what you'll get by joining a challenge group:

  • A fitness program specifically for you and your goals
  • Customizable nutrition plan
  • A superfood supplement that will give you tons of energy and curb those food cravings
  • Learn how to meal plan & meal prep
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Become part of a community of empowering each other on the same health journey
  • Lose your long list of excuses!
Here's how:

What's a challenge group? A challenge group is
A challenge group is an online fitness challenge, usually held in a private Facebook group, where a coach will assist you in the three key areas of getting healthy and losing weight: Exercise, Nutrition, and Support.

1) Exercise.  You WILL NOT be disappointed in any of the Beachbody fitness programs.  They are fun, challenging and will ultimately transform your body.  With a Challenge Group, you’ll be working through one of these home fitness programs which, for many people, have been life-changing. 
2) Nutrition. I can't stress enough how important nutrition is on this journey.  A majority of your success will come from proper nutrition. Fortunately, challenge groups have that covered as well. Shakeology is the most important supplement I take. Shakeology is a meal replacement shake made from dense, whole-food sources, packed with antioxidants, super foods, pro/pre-biotics, and much more.
3) Support. Challenge groups generally consist of about 5 people, most are using the challenge group to kick start their journey, or to get themselves back on track.  Sometimes we work through an entire fitness program together.  The support comes in the form of required daily check-ins via the secret Facebook group.  Through a challenge group you will be accountable for yourself to the group while encouraging the rest of the group and receiving encouragement and motivation in return.  This kind of support is so important!
Challenge Group Requirements:
  • Beachbody Coach! If I am not already your coach, make sure you open your free account to assign me as your coach by clicking here!

  • Beachbody program.  Choose your program here.  Go to Challenge Packs to start your road to a leaner, healthier you!

  • Shakeology as a meal or snack replacement EVERY. DAY. Why?…Because in order to get the best results, you HAVE to have a combination of a great workout program.

    Consistency is key!  You need to be consistent with both your workouts and nutrition. 
    You must post at least ONCE per day in the Facebook group. If you're not posting, you're showing a lack of commitment to yourself, the group and your coach.  It signals to me, your coach, that you are struggling with motivation. This is when I will personally contact you to spark the motivation in you to get you back on track.  This is a long, hard journey and I want to do all I can to help you and most of all, keep you on track for the long haul.  If you need encouragement, let the group know.  Let me know.  If you need motivation, let us know!


Join my next group. Email me at or Facebook message me to get information on any upcoming challenges.  After you contact me to join the challenge group you will be invited/added to the Facebook page. 

Start your journey today!  I'm so excited to start working with you!

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