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Friday, February 3, 2017


Motivation is key for the journey to a healthy life.  My motivation has morphed along the way. First it started with me being in a really deep, dark, hopeless place.  The possibility of crawling out of that place one burnt calorie at a time motivated me.  It was is a daily struggle.  It's hard.  So hard.  Fitness is just plain hard.  It hurts.  The pain makes it so easy to think you should just stop.  I mean after all, aren't you doing this to feel better?! 

It didn't take too long before I started seeing the number on the scale get smaller.  OK.  Now we're on to something!  This might have been worth it after all.  Then eventually, my motivation came from success.  Knowing my starting point and knowing I was actually not only losing weight, but becoming more fit, became my motivator. 

Then eventually, my success in itself was my motivator.  Why would I ever do anything that would put me back where I started from?  Hard work pays off and knowing I am working hard day after day motivates me. 

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